Home Construction Contractors

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Health Insurance For Home Construction Contractors

When you are on the job, the contractor you are working for should have Builders Risk Insurance, commercial liability and workers’ compensation insurance. That will help you if there are accidents on the job. Make sure you have individual health insurance in case you get sick and are taken off the job. Many independent contractors will pick up supplementary insurance for extra cash benefits if they can’t return to work.

Self-Employed Workers Need To Enroll In Individual Health Insurance

When you work for yourself, you do not have access to group health insurance. Apart from having business insurance, you need to keep yourself healthy. The importance of having regular medical exams and access to medication and treatment can’t be understated. In fact, the Affordable Care Act mandates that all US citizens carry a major medical policy that covers emergency room visits and surgical procedures.

It Takes All Types To Build A New House

  • Interior Decorators
  • Painters
  • General Contractors
  • Carpenters
  • Siding Installers
  • Roofers
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • HVAC Installers
  • Cement and Paving
  • Landscapers

What Type Of Coverage Do You Need?

Enroll Online

We believe getting health insurance should be easy and not the worst part of your day. Using the online enrollment center is quick and easy with a few keystrokes.

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How To Get Health Insurance When You Are An Independent Home Construction Contractor

Many independent contractors can find major medical plans on healthcare.gov. The government exchanges only carry ACA certified plans.

Another option for finding health insurance coverage is on a private health marketplace, like Smart and Simple Insurance. Private exchanges have more plans than healthcare.gov. You can find major medical insurance, dental and vision plans, short-term insurance, supplementary health insurance and TeleMedicine subscriptions.

When Can Home Construction Contractors Obtain New New Insurance?

Enroll In Qualified Health Plans Certified By The Health Insurance Marketplace During Open Enrollment Periods

The federal government creates an “open enrollment period” where you may change your health insurance without a qualifying event. An example event is acquiring new health insurance if you were to become employed. This is when you may drop your current insurance and find new major medical policies.

The certified health plans offered on the marketplace are required to provide essential health benefits, cover pre-existing conditions. These traditional health plans have limits on deductibles, copayments and out-of-pocket maximum amounts. These are policies that are similar to employer-sponsored insurance. These same policies can be found on private exchanges, like Smart and Simple Insurance.

Check If You Can Receive Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program

If you are 65 years old and not receiving social security, you may have to sign up for Medicare. If you are not nearing retirement age, you may qualify for assistance through the federal Medicare program or Children’s Health Insurance Program, also known as CHIP.

Medicaid eligibility is determined based on your income. Medicare is also available for the elderly, pregnant women and adults and children with disabilities.

Check If You Can Receive Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program

If you are 65 years old and not receiving social security, you may have to sign up for Medicare. If you are not nearing retirement age, you may qualify for assistance through the federal Medicare program or Children’s Health Insurance Program, also known as CHIP.

Medicaid eligibility is determined based on your income. Medicare is also available for the elderly, pregnant women and adults and children with disabilities.

Home Construction Contractors

Who We Are

Over four million people have obtained health insurance through our enrollment portals. With variety of products for customers to build an insurance plan specific to their needs, makes our offerings “smart” to have.

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Get Individual Health Insurance

Who We Are

Over four million people have obtained health insurance through our enrollment portals. With variety of products for customers to build an insurance plan specific to their needs, makes our offerings “smart” to have.

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