HSA for America Logo

Marla Martin, Business Operations Manager
800-913-2208[email protected]

Flex-Term Health Insurance Logo

The FlexTerm Health Insurance plan provides health insurance coverage to help protect you from the medical bills that can result from newly unexpected Injuries and Sickness.


Ages 2 – 64

Customer Service


Customer Brochure


BrochureFlexTerm Producers Guide

BrochureHIPAA-Form 2021


AL*, AZ*, AR*, FL*, GA*, IL*, IN*, KY, LA, MS*, MO, NE*, NV, NC, OH*, OK, OR, SC*, SD, TN*, TX*, VA*, WV*, WI*, WY

* AUIC Membership is required


  • 6 and 12 month plans that can provide protection from new injuries and illnesses
  • Ideal if you are between jobs waiting for new employer benefits, a seasonal employee, or a new graduate searching for employment with benefits
  • Nationwide network, giving you the freedom to choose your own doctors
  • Deductibles from $1,000 – $10,000 to customize the perfect plan for you
  • $50 doctor office visit copay
  • $50 copay for one basic routine annual exam

Call For Benefits

Marla Martin, Business Operations Manager
800-913-2208[email protected]

Selling Agents