
Ages 2 – 64

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BrochureFlexTerm Producers Guide

BrochureHIPAA-Form 2021


AL*, AZ*, AR*, FL*, GA*, IL*, IN*, KY, LA, MS*, MO, NE*, NV, NC, OH*, OK, OR, SC*, SD, TN*, TX*, VA*, WV*, WI*, WY

* AUIC Membership is required

The FlexTerm Health Insurance plan provides health insurance coverage to help protect you from the medical bills that can result from newly unexpected Injuries and Sickness.


  • 6 and 12 month plans that can provide protection from new injuries and illnesses
  • Ideal if you are between jobs waiting for new employer benefits, a seasonal employee, or a new graduate searching for employment with benefits
  • Nationwide network, giving you the freedom to choose your own doctors
  • Deductibles from $1,000 – $10,000 to customize the perfect plan for you
  • $50 doctor office visit copay
  • $50 copay for one basic routine annual exam

Call For More Information

FI Health & Life

Mark Terry
[email protected]

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